Hands on the Wheel Addiction & Recovery
Addiction & Recovery:
Addiction & Recovery
If you are a man who can’t stop using drugs and/or drinking on your own – you are not alone. Yet so many people try to get clean and sober on their own. Rarely is it sustainable.
Those who plug into a supportive network of like-minded people do better in creating meaningful change for themselves, that lasts. Statistically speaking, this is your best chance. The most common and accessible community is a 12-step program such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Yet people will often find a reason to reject such a community. People often go to one meeting and create a reason to not go back. The addiction prevents them from the solution.
This program is an alternative for those with a desire to stop using, and to stay clean and sober. It provides you with a supportive group of like-minded people who can relate to your problems and support you in accessing the Solutions. If you’ve ever felt that family and friends ‘just don’t get it’ then it’s time for spending time with people who do.
Each meeting has a theme. The themes build upon one another. We meet together twice a week at our designated meeting place. The program also includes phone contact with other members between meetings. The amount you will get out of this program depends upon whatever you put into it.
If this scares you, good. You are likely to be in the presence of others who are also intimidated and fearful. You can either keep doing what you’re doing – or tap into your courage and try something new. It’s up to you.
In addition, we will bring people into our space who have succeeded in getting and staying clean/sober. We find there is value in hearing their experiences, what has worked for them, and challenges they’ve overcome and continue to struggle with. There is often something they say that you may need to hear.
“The hardest part for me was dealing with all the shit in my head before I ever got to the first meeting. Then I was blown away by how relaxed it all was, how supportive everyone was, and the relationships that developed within the group.” This was a good first step for me.” – Jamie Parker
‘Before this group I’d never hung out with other people who’d struggled with drinking, who wanted to quit and couldn’t. It wasn’t a magic wand, but it sure did help to have other people who understood me hav3e my back. Ever since I did this group my world has gotten bigger, not smaller.” – Pete Merlino

Program Outline
This is a 6-week program meeting twice a week from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Mondays & Thursdays.
This outline touches upon many of the themes covered in this program. That said, much of what happens in this program is often spontaneous based upon what people are experiencing and what is brought into the group. There is time and space given for people to check-in on where they’re at, things coming up, questions, etc..
Week 1
Getting Honest about having a problem. Sharing my own experiences and hearing from others. Exploring just how much I want things to change. What is my experience in asking for help from others? What is my experience in being open and vulnerable with others?
Week 2
Opening the door to the possibility of change. What has worked for others? Do I believe it can happen for me? Can I see that what I’ve tried in the past has not worked? Am I open to trying new things?
Am I willing to do things I don’t want to do? Am I capable of not listening to myself, choosing instead to trust that what works for others can work for me? If not, what is stopping me?
Week 3
How does being in recovery look in my daily life? What opportunities am I having to do things differently, to think differently, to act differently? New experiences? Fears?
Week 4
Exploring my relationships with a goal of taking ownership for my role in them, for better or worse. Getting honest about my thinking, behaviors, resentments, patterns with others.
Do I have reservations about keeping away from drugs? What might I tell myself that would make it o.k.? If I did go back to using, do I think it would be different from in the past?
Week 5
If I was to repair some of the damage I’ve done to others in my life, what exactly would I be apologizing for? Who are those to whom I’d apologize? Am I on this list? Can I take ownership of my own role in creating problems, without having to point fingers at others?
What does acceptance look like in my life today? Am I able to distinguish between what I can and cannot control? Where are my vulnerabilities, my triggers, my blind spots? Am I developing and utilizing a support network?
Week 6
Reviewing our lives and what we may have learned thus far while clean/sober? Mind, body, spirit inventory.
Where do we go from here? What will it take for me to stay on a healthy path for myself?
Can I apply what I’ve learned to all areas of my life?