Hands on the Wheel Addiction & Recovery
Addiction & Recovery:
Independent Support
Minimum # of sessions: 4
Cash deposit due at first meeting: $100
It’s common to want to stop using drugs and booze, and also be struggling with issues related
to past trauma, toxic co-dependent relationships, and family of origin issues. I’m willing to do
this work with you if you are also plugged into a program of recovery, preferably working with a
sponsor in Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous, and/or after participating in our 12-
week program working with a group. My experience is that until you maintain some clean and
sober time the changes you can make in other areas of your life are limited.
When I began working with people struggling with addiction I’d take anyone no matter how few
days clean or sober they had. Other therapists told me they required 30 days clean/sober
before meeting with clients; but to me that was harsh – if people needed help then I was ready
and willing.
Ten years later I get why they wanted someone to have 30 days clean/sober. My experience is
one of sitting at my office alone due to no-shows and no-calls. Then sometimes I’d get an
apology text, then many clients not showing up again for our next appointment.
For those clients who did show up, sometimes because their spouse insisted, I felt it was helpful but it was never enough for them to get any meaningful amount of clean/sober time. They’d eventually relapse and disappear, sometimes calling me after several more months of digging their hole even deeper.
I am willing to meet with you if you do not have 30 days clean/sober, but I also require a $100
cash deposit, which is lost due to a no-show or same day cancellation. I’ve set a 4-meeting
minimum, which in my experience is enough time to give you some practical advice and
direction, and explore what may be keeping you from getting help. If after 4 sessions you are
still drinking/drugging and have not tapped into a larger support network, we can evaluate
where to go from there.